Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Freedom of Expression

The kulo exhibits show that an individual can go far beyond its limitation; it is the idea of introducing great opportunity for changes. Some may say it is blasphemy but it is the real image of Christ? That is the point of kulo exhibit to offer a lot different ideas but the challenge is how these ideas will be accepted by the public. Filipino people are well known for their conservativeness and I may say that this conservativeness and other traditions are the hindrances to the development of our nation. We are always complaining on the class of living we are going through but to ourselves, we don’t entertain new things that may help us even more competitive. I’m not an atheist, yes I believe in God but I think that the hindrance of the church won’t make us more mature. The truth is we are living in the world of lies, hatred and violence that is why our traditions are the hindrance of our development. They lied and we can’t, they hurt us and we can’t hurt them, they imply violence on us and we can’t do something about it. We are prisoners of yesterday; we are scared to change our traditions. So I believed in the art of Mideo Cruz, he just illustrates his views. It is a challenge to every Filipino whether to appreciate it or criticize it.

            I’m not saying that I don’t believe in GOD, there is GOD and he is the Supreme Being of all. My point is how can we really know that the image used by Cruz is Christ? Even the church claim that it is the image of Christ I will not believed, did they see Christ personally? Did they have Photography back then when Christ lived? See this is only the manipulation of the church, because back then they only use religion to rule the people. Religion is manipulating every human being to decide what is better for her/him and the intervention of the church to our development process made us naive. There will be no improvement on the class of our living as long as we are lock on the box and Cruz showed that anyone can get out of that box and antagonize the flow of system. In Nietzsche’s perspective an Ubermench is essential to attain changes and Cruz is a superman who doesn’t mind that he may go against the system offered by the church.

            We must wake up to the reality that this thing really happens and this may serve as an opportunity for great changes to our mentality and maturity. The limitations are just limitations; we can go beyond it and discover new things. It is a chain reaction; one must do it for the inspiration of the others. If you go against the flow, you may lose everything but one thing in exchange new ideas form and another step closer to the top. The kulo exhibit serves as an eye opener for many of us, that we can go as far as we can without thinking the limitations. It apply to myself because I still remember my goals before pursuing political science and even up to my death I will stand firmly to make a difference in my field. We must always be ready for changes because changes are the only absolute in this world.

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