Sunday, July 15, 2012

Combating Corruption in the Philippines: What can be learned? (Comparative Approach: Singapore to Philippines)

        Corruption is being observed around the world and all institutions are prone to corruption. An exchange to rush or to haste the process, giving privileges to an individual with compensation describes the act of corruption. In the Philippine political setting corruption is rampantly observed, and Philippine is the one of the most corrupt country around the world. Is corruption is really inevitable? How can we determine corruption? There is no exact determination on what to be considered as a corrupt action. Reducing corruption is a hard task to do; combating corruption in the Philippines will be challengeable for the government itself and for the people who do not know the limitations and description of a corrupt action. Corruption is not just getting money; it also affects the future of a country and its people. In Southeast Asia Philippines consistently rank low in Political and Economical Risk Consultancy (PERC) and in Corruption Perception Index (CPI) for international level. Corruption is misuse of government power and funds for other purpose and for self-benefit. This study is a comparative research, it illustrate the key factors to lessen or to reduce corruption in the Philippines. Singapore is one of the leading less-corrupt country around the world; this study will distinguish the factors that decrease the corruption in Singapore and other developing countries that may be applicable in the Philippine context. Do the Southeast Asian countries perform well in combating corruption except in the Philippines, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Indonesia? The developing countries seem to be prone in the practice of corruption. Corruption is resulted by weak implementation of laws, impotent political will, the practice of informal institutions and other form that invites the practice of corruption.

          The Philippine context, in every institution corruption is observed. Poverty and political immaturity is the cause of corruption. In the Spaniard colonization corruption is the cause of many revolutions; corruption is a problem older than any anti-corruption institutions in the Philippines. Corruption in the Philippines is beginning to be a custom or corruption has become a way of life, people do not seek to redress laws for combating corruption. In the declaration of martial law by Pres. Ferdinand Marcos in 1972, many actions by the government are not exposed to the public because of the government controls the press. In the time of Marcos era and up to the present administration, corruption has a retrograde effect. Many anti-corruption institutions in the Philippines lost their credibility to fight against corruption. These institutions are use by individuals to benefit their selves or to please a higher leader. It is getting more severe, corruption is like a disease the spreads to different sectors in the community. Not only in the government corruption occurred, in private sector, in media and civil society corruption is also enjoyed. The ratification of anti-corruption institutions will eliminate corruption but it is a big help to lessen or to limit corruption. Philippines scored 2.6 in Corruption Perception Index 2011 and the Philippines is in rank 129.

          In Singapore, corruption is a fact of life rather than a way of life. The way Singaporeans think is very real, they admit that corruption is inevitable and the only thing that they can do is to lessen the practice of corruption. In Singapore, those found guilty of corrupt behavior are punished accordingly regardless of their position or status in society. Singaporeans are equally in terms of punishment in doing such crimes, it is an indication that their government has a strong will or there are rigid in law execution. All Southeast Asian countries admire Singapore for their rapid development and will to fight against corruption. Singapore is at number five less-corrupt country around the world, they score 9.2 based on Corruption Perception Index or CPI in 2011.

          See the big difference of Philippines and Singapore in every factors of fight against corruption. What can be learned on these empirical data? First, we must identify what is corruption, identifying the problem would be essential fighting the problem. The Philippine norms are one key factor that boosts the prevalence of corruption in the government and society. The government must address the issue regarding corruption. Fortification of laws and policies will be a big help to reduce the practice of corruption, we cannot totally eliminate corruption and we must accept that fact. The equal punishment to law violators and no one should be excused; like in Singapore they have a stiff law implementation. The grassroots of corruption is inequality. Those people in power can do whatever they want to bribe an anti-corruption institution to hide their wrong deeds, and those in authority can extort money by use of power especially the concept of “police power”. Secondly, we must learn from the past. Learning from the past and making things better will be an essential factor to develop our maturity, attaining maturity is a development. Filipinos must participate or can show their grievances for a faster solution. Laws must be obeyed at all times, and the strong implementation of Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for public officials. We must know what are the things that we want and pursue it. We don’t have any problem in the structure of our government, the problem lies into the culture of the people. Technically, Philippine problem lies on individual deeds, for example, a boy stealing money from the wallet of his mother. This is corruption, and our culture tolerating it. It is not the issue of how much or how many but corruption is the issue of stealing or getting what is not yours. We do not have a crystal clear concept of corruption, is the example above is a form of corruption? If yes, then a boy must be punished by the law. Corruption does not only occur in the government, corruption is everywhere. In the Philippine setting corruption is a way of life, doing wrong is a way of life.
          In mid-19th century Philippine was the leader in economic is Asia, at this time Philippine is always at the last in good things and leading in doing bad. How the Philippine acquired this curse? It is the result of multiple social distortion and colonization. Filipinos do not know who they are, it is a long process of development and it is called maturity. Combating corruption in the Philippines is very hard to fulfill, the strong will of the present administration to fight corruption is a long journey to have a good result. It is not an instant process; it will require many years to attain. We must educate all our people to be conscious on this idea, for us to be able to know what’s for us and what’s not. The problems of our corruptions are inevitable and it is older than any existing leaders in our time. We are political immature, hence our political system full of corruption. To end corruption is too impossible we are a number one client of informal political norms and we have a profound recognition of these traditions that affects the effective governance of our government. Majority of our countrymen are unfamiliar with the righteous and just leadership, they thought that corruption is part of public service. The practice of corruption is rampantly express by the national and local officials of our government, and maybe it is their reward for themselves for serving the public. Politician now a days are also businessman, so they tend to corrupt after winning the election. Corruption in the Philippines is obviously seen and people cannot determine if an action is a practice of corruption. That is the main problem of our society, people are not participating regarding the issue of corruption or they have no idea what can they do to combat corruption. The best example is the impeachment of C.J. Renato Corona; some people probably don’t know what the sole purpose of impeachment it is because the government is giving limited information to the public. That is another form of corruption, lack of transparency.

          It is a big debate on how can we fight corruption, some suggest an overhaul process or charter change and other requires only political maturity. It is a big question on how to solve corruption, and probably it takes hundreds of years to develop an institution that can fight against corruption. It is the call of duty for the people to demand redress to at least reduce corruption. It is simply chained to every negative factor of the society, base on the Transparency International, the occurrence of corruption is on the depress countries, with social conflicts and where poverty resides. It is like a reciprocal effect, corruption may be the cause of poverty and poverty may be cause of corruption.

          Corruption is inevitable, eliminating corruption is very impossible to attain. The ignorance of the people invites clever individuals to take advantage. Even in developed countries like in Singapore corruptions exist. The right thing to do is to accept the fact that corruptions exist and it is permanent to every institution around the world. What can the Philippines learned in other less-corrupt countries? A gradual solution for every problem of corruption, just do not haste every opportunity. People must always take their part demanding for the redress of the government. Only the people can make the government accountable, by the use of a mature thinking. Creating an anti-corruption institution and programs can show significant and rapid results to lessen corruption. The people must know what are the forms of corruption for them to be able to show that they know who is corrupt and who is not. The freedom of information must be ratified, and all democratic institution in the Philippines shall be guided by a strong leadership. Corruption is like a ball of snow, once it's set a rolling it must increase. So it must be stop in the first drop, preventing is always the better solution. Corruption is the greatest spoiler of the society and government officials. The concept of money and power makes corruption inevitable, eliminate money and power will eliminate corruption.

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